HHS loses abortion lawsuit

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The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday rebuffed the Trump administration’s effort to stop an undocumented teenager from getting an abortion, likely bringing an end to one of the stranger legal sagas of the Trump administration so far.

The D.C. Circuit ordered the Health and Human Services Department to let the woman visit an abortion provider immediately, saying the department had violated her constitutional right to obtain an abortion by refusing to let her leave the detention facility where she’s being held.

Go deeperRead the court’s 6-3 decision.

What’s next: HHS can leave it here, or appeal to the Supreme Court.

Be smart: File this case as potential fodder for future Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Because the ruling came from the full D.C. Circuit, it involves several judges who could be future Supreme Court nominees. The majority included Judges Sri Srinivasan and Patricia Millett, both of whom are seen as potential SCOTUS contenders under a Democratic president.

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