How One Doctor Realized He Was His Own Biggest Management Problem

Geoffrey Leung

Oh, the things they don’t teach you in medical school. . . .

Every practicing physician carries around a list of blunders, miscommunications, errors, and missed chances — a pile-up of regrets and lessons learned the hard way. These doctors carry on by doing the very thing that propelled them through med school and residency: toughing it out, pushing through the next obstacle to achieve their goal. It can sometimes feel like a Pyrrhic victory.

The road can get really rough in the middle of the journey. Frustrations mount, hopes darken — especially for physicians moving into leadership roles. The pressures from all sides can drain the satisfaction out of a career in medicine, leading to depression, lousy home life, self-defeating workaholism, and ultimately, professional burnout.

That’s what Geoffrey Leung, MD, was at risk of experiencing when he applied for the California Health Care Foundation’s leadership program two years ago. Now finishing up his second and final year in the fellowship, Leung wants other aspiring physician leaders in California to know there’s a path out of the swamp.

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